Sperm Test
The Kruger test, which is used as the most reliable morphology method for the spermiogram test, is accepted. As Istanbul Sperm Testing Center, in all our branches, sperm test morphology examination is finalized according to the criteria we call “Kruger-Strict Criteria”, which keeps the error at a minimum level. Kruger criteria is a sperm test method that examines the morphological deformities of the sperm cell, that is, the morphological structure of the sperm cells, very sensitively.
You do not need to make an appointment at our centers to have a sperm test, it is sufficient to arrive at the latest 3-4 hours before our closing time. Because the sperm test study takes at least 3 hours. When it is close to the closing time, the sample cannot be accepted because the test cannot be completed before our shift is over.
We provide accurate, reliable and ethical services with our expert staff. We apply the fastest and most reliable methods for your brand.
Our long-term work continues until the job is finished. We establish solid and long-term relationships with all the companies we work with.